Explore our fees

Interest free Finance available


New patient consult: £150

Smile scan with therapist: Complimentary

Zoom consult with orthodontist: Complimentary

Removable braces

Removable braces: From £1200

Functional braces: From £2800

Repairs/replacements: From £750


Vivera retainers (3 sets): £750

Fixed retainer per arch: £185

Removable retainer single: £185

Mouth guard during treatment: £65

Custom made sports mouth guards: £150

New Patient Treatment Fees

Fixed Metal upper and lower: £4950

Fixed ICONIX upper and lower: £5450

Upper Ceramic: £5950

Lingual customised ie INCOGNITO: £8950

Invisalign (full) from: £4,950 or £5,950

Invisalign (str): £3450


Assess & repair or remove bonded retainer : £285 - £185 to Previous PL Patients

Emergency adjustment to fixed appliances/any emergency: £225 - £185 to previous PL Patients

Incl A&R / wire probs: £225 - £185 to previous PL Patients

Postage : £12