With more and more orthodontist and dental practices popping up all over the UK, identifying the best one might seem intimidating. Obviously the first attribute to look for is the quality of the dental care, but there are many important factors that can sometimes go overlooked when searching for the ideal orthodontist.

An orthodontist practice offering a high quality of customer service and a warm welcome is a crucial attribute. With children through to adults of all ages passing through the door, it’s important to seek a practice who welcome everyone and offer a high quality of service as well as highly professional orthodontic care.

What to look for

Book a Complimentary Consultation

Our emphasis is not only on the best orthodontic result, but a special focus is placed upon how orthodontic treatment will affect your long-term facial aesthetics.  Why don’t you come and have a complimentary smile scan with our experienced orthodontic therapist and come and see the practice and meet the orthodontic team?