One of our patients, a broker in his 40s was concerned about his upper and lower crowded/crooked teeth and was interested in a very discreet brace, so elected for an Incognito brace on the upper teeth and the ICE (clear) brace on the lower teeth. He also wanted to minimise the time spent with the braces on so decided to use the AcceleDent system to speed up his private orthodontic treatment. The following patient feedback has been received on his first 2 months in braces, in particular the use of AcceleDent:
“I have found using AcceleDent extremely easy. I was fitted with the most appropriate size by my orthodontist and as the device is so light it is very comfortable to use.
With just a single button to push it is also very easy to use. There is a very slight vibrating sensation but far less than you feel from an electric toothbrush and I barely even know it is on!
As it only takes 20 minutes per day, I have found it very easy to fit into my daily life. I tend to do it whilst watching TV of an evening and have used it every day since starting in December.”