When I was a young girl, I thought that one day (when I was all grown up) that I would know everything I needed to know. Indeed, during my late teens I knew everything, and my parents knew nothing. As I got older and probably wisely, I realised several things. Firstly, we are all slightly bewildered children trapped in the body of an adult. Secondly, being grown up actually means being more responsible, and lastly (and most importantly) we never stop learning.
As a professional who has to keep up to date with new innovations and keep a record of courses I go on, I’m used to continuing professional development. But learning isn’t all about academic stuff. It’s about challenging yourself, getting out of your comfort zone and widening your potential. I recently started singing lessons again and it has been great to go back to basics and rebuild my voice skills. I also love the Internet – it’s amazing what you can find out. But what I think I like learning about the most is people, how to listen to them and importantly how to communicate back. How my interpretation of the world and events is different to everyone else’s because our own “filters” are different to the guy next door. And I love the way I get to know my patients a little more each visit and how that makes my day a little better too.