You might find you are not alone in what you wish to know before starting a course of orthodontic treatment with us here at Park Lane! Below are some of the most common questions we are asked by patients here at the practice.

How long will treatment take?

This really depends on the type of ailment that you have or what you are hoping to achieve through treatment. Here at Park Lane, we offer short term ‘limited objectives’ and comprehensive treatments: the latter deals with moderate to complex issues, including bite issues, and the former is generally used for mild to moderate cosmetic issues.

Will having braces hurt?

Our team’s experience and expertise means you will have as little discomfort during treatment and today’s brace models are designed to offer a high level of comfort. You may experience some mild discomfort during the first week or so with fixed treatments, but today’s models are much easier to adapt to than their older counterparts.

Is there an optimum age for orthodontic treatment?

Advancements in orthodontics means that it is much easier for adults to have orthodontic treatment – 1 in 5 patients having treatment is now an adult. Invisible brace types means that treatment is more appealing to client-facing professionals who do not wish for their appearance to chance dramatically during the treatment period.

Will it be obvious that I am undergoing orthodontic treatment?

Here at Park Lane you can choose from a selection of ‘invisible’ or barely visible brace types including:

If you would like more information about the treatment we offer here at Park Lane, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Book a Complimentary Consultation

Our emphasis is not only on the best orthodontic result, but a special focus is placed upon how orthodontic treatment will affect your long-term facial aesthetics.  Why don’t you come and have a complimentary smile scan with our experienced orthodontic therapist and come and see the practice and meet the orthodontic team?