Has your partner always wanted to have straighter teeth but always talks themselves out of it? Sometimes all they need a little nudge or encouragement from you to take the next step. One way to do this may be paying for them to have a consultation or even have the treatment covered by you.

In recent months we’ve had quite a few husbands, wives and partners taking the initiative for their nearest and dearest, we’ve even had a few birthday/Christmas surprises! One husband contacted us and offered to pay the whole cost of the treatment and with a little help from us was able to make a “gift” for her to open on Christmas Day. She was over the moon and is now well on her way to the straighter smile she has wished for so long.

So if they want treatment so much, why is it they don’t sort it out for themselves? Well most often what they want for themselves is the last thing that they get around to doing. It could be life is just too busy, or others take priority (especially if they have children). It could also be that they just don’t know it’s possible to have treatment as an adult. In some cases, they feel a bit self-indulgent or guilty to be thinking of spending money on themselves. With others it may be friends or family members making them feel silly or vain to be having their teeth “fixed”.

If your partner is unhappy with their smile, it’s not going to go away. Even if they are prepared to live with it, every time they look in the mirror it reminds them what they don’t like. It may seem like a really trivial thing to most of us, but for some it can negatively affect their self-confidence. A happy smile is priceless in more than one way.

When you’re thinking of the perfect present for you loved one, then maybe the gift of a more confident smile would be the best one of all. Even if all you do is find information for them or direct them to a suitable clinic you can help make that dream a reality for them.

Book a Complimentary Consultation

Our emphasis is not only on the best orthodontic result, but a special focus is placed upon how orthodontic treatment will affect your long-term facial aesthetics.  Why don’t you come and have a complimentary smile scan with our experienced orthodontic therapist and come and see the practice and meet the orthodontic team?