The benefits of orthodontics are often thought to be predominantly aesthetic and this is a significant aspect of treatment. However, treating misaligned, protruding, crowded and widely spaced teeth has life-changing positive effects on your dental health and in some cases your overall health.
Examples of how orthodontic treatment can improve your dental health:
- Restoring facial form and treating jaw pain – Severe overbites and underbites can be the cause of poor facial form. When this is the case, patients may suffer chronic facial pain and difficulty eating as well as changes to their speech and breathing. Correcting this can treat sleep apnoea, a condition that affects your breathing patterns.
- Improve digestion – Serious cases of misaligned, crowded and widely spaced teeth will inevitably affect the way you break down foods when you eat. If this is left untreated for a long period, your body will not be able to absorb the correct amount of nutrients it needs, as the food is not broken down correctly.
- Reduce your chances of tooth decay and gum disease – Certain orthodontic issues leave unnatural gaps in the mouth where food particles and bacteria can collect and settle, causing tooth decay to adjacent teeth or gum disease as the bacteria can sit on the gum line.
- Jaw health – Continuous stress on the jaw can lead to dysfunction of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) with the possibility of eventual misalignment. Without correct jaw alignment, teeth can become weak and prone to damage and infections.
A healthy body and mind are both important to leading a happy life. Although not linked to dental or overall bodily health, treating orthodontic-related problems will help revivify your confidence and self-image – overall health has a huge influence over your mental wellbeing and if you’ve been struggling through with orthodontic complications for a while, you may find that treatment helps other physical issues that have occurred through low self-esteem or anxiety.
If you would like more information about how orthodontic treatment can benefit your dental health, please do not hesitate to contact us.