It’s official – winter is over and spring has definitely sprung. Grass verges are showing the first smattering of daffodils, lambs are gambolling in the fields and the sun is shining. It seems that the winter doldrums are now being swept away and everyone is embracing the start of renewal and change. Like the hibernating creatures, people are definitely venturing forth and checking “the air” to see if it’s time to make the decision about improving their smiles with orthodontic treatment.
They’re finding all sorts of reasons to go ahead with their brace treatment – weddings, graduation, or in the majority of cases just because they have always wanted to do it.
Why don’t you come along and see what everyone is getting so excited about!? We can’t promise you any nuts dug up from the winter stores, but we can give you a chance to change your life by restoring your confidence in your smile. And it doesn’t have to take four seasons to get you there.